Introducing: Florina

We’ve had a soft spot in our hearts for Jackie Beckey’s viola ever since its skittering crescendos were such a huge part of local band Brute Heart’s sound. That spot has felt pretty empty in the last decade plus since the band’s final (and in my opinion one of the local scene’s best records ever) album Lonely Hunter.

While Beckey certainly didn’t stop playing when Brute Heart called it quits (Myrrh were notably great) it has still been years since we’ve heard anything recorded. That came to an end recently with the discovery of Florina, a new-ish collaboration between Beckey, Paul Borman (Weakwick), and Adam Patterson (Magic Castles).  I say new-ish since the group’s only recorded work (three songs you can stream/purchase below) is already well over a year old. The group did recently perform together though so here’s hoping this is a project that continues. 

The tunes are great and if you were a fan of Brute Heart, you can’t miss the similarities. Obviously Florina is also in many ways unique and new and its own thing. Check out the tunes and keep your fingers crossed that this is just the beginning for this trio. 

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