Rock the Garden 2022: Live Blog

We’ll be hanging out at Rock the Garden 2022 today. Join us for the ride.
2:15 – smooth process getting in and surprisingly sparse crowd. It’s 75 and sunny, people. Get outside!
2:22 – Reviler crew meet up. Crowd filling in a main stage.
2:26 – no line at beer stand. Life is good.
2:33 – Bombino starting. What a great band to start the day.

2:36 – their Turag blues is infectious, getting bodies moving, even if a few are slightly confused by the skittish beats.
2:41 – even their more cerebral, downbeat material is brimming with joy on this sunny afternoon. Hoping everyone is appreciating this.
2:48 – long instrumental jams that are getting more and more people engaged as crowd grows. Getting the sense lots of folks didn’t know Bombino’s music, which is actually cool to see people discovering thus great artist.
2:53 – some awkward above head clapping and “dancing” at the front, but it seems to be coming from a good place, so dance like nobody is looking or whatever the saying is.
2:58 – there is a distinct possibility that this set, a wonderful combination of energy and grooves, is my favorite set of the day. Bold to say 30 min into daylong fest, but feels very possible.
3:02 – they were at a 7 and have bumped it up to a 9. Riding circulating riffs, ramping up tempos, drums like galloping horses. Just awesome.
3:06 – “this is our last song cause we have to get to a flight because we play tomorrow in Morocco” is a legit solid flex.
3:09 – just top flight from start to finish. Turag Blues is one of my favorite sub genres of music in last decade and it’s always good to see one of the genre’s premier artists, especially sitting out under a sunny sky drinking a beer.
3:11 -oh boy, they’ve broke the song down to bass and drums and now building it back up. Just a masterclass.
3:14 – playing “Fast Car” between sets seems like kind of a bummer?
3:18 – no, it’s totally a bummer.
3:23 – woman just very skeptically asked her fried if portapotties were clean enough to use. They said yes, but wondering what the plan was if they said no?
3:29 – excited/intrigued to see noise/doom metal duo Divide and Dissolve. Not only cause I dig their sound, but to see crowd’s reaction.
3:31- guitar, drums and lots of ambient feedback. This is outstanding.

3:36 – their playing with tempo and dynamics, while crashing wave after wave of sound onto the crowd, is outstanding.
3:37 – raindrops. Appreciate the cloud cover but hope we don’t get soaked.
3:37 – no rain yet, so no need to worry
3:39 – crowd is mix of people *really* digging this and lots of confused folks. Not a ton in the middle, at least by me. Some people seem to be eagerly waiting for the “song” to start.
3:42 – really profound, powerful words about the reality of what Minneapolis means in regards to our police and the murder of George Floyd. Some folks clearly didn’t get the point, but I’m thankful that is was made and glad someone used their platform to not let things that need to be said go unsaid.
3:50 – just pulverising sheets of noise pouring out into the crowd. The chaos and dissonance is beautiful.
3:59 – just soaking this in. Really mesmerizing stuff. Lots of nuanced sound happening between the two.
4:12 – Divide and Dissolve were all we could expect and more. Taking time out of their set to speak truth to power was inspiring and valuable. Def worth checking them out if you’re into noise/drone music.
4:16 – 0 for 1 on food but beer lines are short, so…liquid dinner?
4:28 – beabadoobee are the band I know the least about, so going in without much knowledge.
4:31 – was expecting something akin to PC MUSIC, but this is 90s alt pop. Huh.
4:37 – can’t say this moves me, but also earnest guitar-centric pop music isn’t my wheelhouse.
4:41 – this sounds like it could be gigantic. Big hooks and crisp melodies. But still not really moving me.
4:48 – godspeed to folks enjoying this, but it’s time to get some food to try and counter the beer-only reality so far.
4:59 – fish and chips, for those wondering.

5:11 – very good, fwiw
5:15 – excitement level for next three bands is high. Dam-Funk into Sleater-Kinney into Low is gonna be 🔥
5:27 – our guy Alan from Low introducing Dam-Funk. Give yourself up to the vibes!
5:32 – deep bass kicking out as Dam-Funk brings the funky vibes. Jumping from DJ station to synth and mic. One man P-Funk.
5:37 – just deep vibes. He creates such rich tapestries of sound, all backed up by spine-tingling bass.
5:39 – we’ve got a beach ball.
5:42 – “Rest in Peace to Prince Roger Nelson” …and giving him the best tribute possible.
5:44 – attention: keytar solo. Don’t try this at home.

5:47 – just pure joy as people shake their bodies.
5:51 – now it’s the DJing part of the set and the crowd is losing their mind.
6:00 – spinning stone cold classics, getting even stuffy Minneaotans to move their asses.
6:04 – me: there can’t be a deeper cavern of funk than this
Dam-Funk: hold my beer
6:12 – more funk, more joy. Can’t overstate the joy Dam-Funk is bestowing on this crowd.
6:19: hate to leave the set, but heading over to see the legends Sleater-Kinney. Nothing but love and praise for that D-F set. So good.
6:31: huge crowd packing the hillside for S-K.

6:32 – digging into the back catalog to scratch that riot grrl itch. All hands on the band one, indeed.
6:36 – experiencing both the power of the band and the dissonce of being a football field away surround by people drinking, eating and talking through the set. Wish we were in a club, even if that isn’t a reality at this point. Still great.
6:42 – the songs where they decided to let go and just become a classic rock band are made for days like this. Lean into it.
6:49 – Beach ball made it to main stage.
6:51- just a powerhouse. Their songs are deep enough for the heads, but easy enough to enjoy for the newsbs. May not be a compliment in all circle, but they’ve really developed into a festival band.
7:06 – “Minneapolis, you’re an exception to this song” before going into “No Cities to Love.” No one is above flattery, I suppose.
7:09 – you can forget how massive the songs on The Woods are until you hear them rumbling out of a festival speaker system.
7:14 – it’s not a new wave. It’s just you and me.
7:20 – “modern girl” is such a jam. Inject it right into my veins.
7:28 – bless those who don’t give up the rock
7:39 – big crowd awaiting Low, as it should be

7:44 – seen Low more times than I can count, and the joy of their cracking, spiritual, noisy rock and roll never ceases.
7:48 – cool to have live ASL at both stages. Music should be for everyone.
7:52 – “White horses” into “I can wait.” Amazing this far into their career they continue to release albums with songs this stunning.
7:59 -Hey What is such a landmark album. These songs will punch you in the gut forever, I assume. At least for now the still land like a prime-era Mike Tyson upper cut.
8:02 – “either side you’re on, you get what you deserve. I know it sounds absurd.”
8:09 – I love that this many people are going to the church of LOW.
8:16 – “thanks to the walker for giving us another chance.” 🤣
8:23 – just a killer version of “Canada” to close the set. A rollicking close to a heavy, important set.
8:26 – “surprised we’re ending this set with a clap-along” genuine lol
8:29 – such an amazing set. We are lucky to have Low.
8:42 – not sure who is into Nathaniel Rateliff but huge, excited crowd seems to indicate the answer is lots of people.
8:48 – poppy Americana just isn’t my jam..even on a beautiful summer night.
9:53 – it was a good run, Rock the Garden, but I’m tapping out while I’m ahead.

Writer / co-founder