Tape Tuesday: Cole Pulice’s Two Amazing 2022 Moon Glyph Releases

Ahead of the glorious return of Drone Not Drones a few weeks back, I was asked by a friend who was “can’t miss” at the show. The list was long, but one of the main focuses was on Cole Pulice, a (formerly) local ambient artist who has been on a searing run over the last few years. I went to this site looking for my coverage to share with said friend of Pulice’s two 2022 tapes that I spent countless hours lost inside of over the last year, and found to my horror and consternation I had never covered these tapes. Better late than never, right?
Both tapes are blends of ambient and jazz, centered on Pulice’s hypnotic sax work, blended with fluttering synths and celestial piano. On Scry Pulice is a solo act, while To Live & Die in Time & Space they form a duo with Lynn Avery of Iceblink, but both have fairly similar vibes. They are socially dense and musically adventurous. They are beautiful without being brittle, experimental without being obnoxious. There is a whole wave of new ambient out there (we’re looking at you, “music to study” spotify playlists), but these two tapes explore both deeper and wider than the average fair. They have the adventures of jazz, the warm fuzzy feeling of good ambient and melodies interspersed that pop bands would kill for. In short they are both “can’t miss,” even if I “missed” posting about them last year.
Both tapes dropped last year on Moon Glyph, if you needed another stamp of approval, although it seems the collab CS is currently out of stock. But if you’ve missed out on these sublime albums, rectify your mistake asap and thank us later.
(Side note: Pulice has even gotten some national love with this glowing Pitchfork story from a few months back, if you’re new to their work and want to find out more.)

Writer / co-founder