Introducing: Magick Flavour Station

Magick Flavour Station is a local experimental bedroom folk artist who also performs as a solo vaporsynth artist under the name Uncle Squidz. On the MFS side of things, they recently recorded the EP ShaveYourEyebrows BiteMyNeck while undergoing an “intense mental health episode” due to a Covid-enforced isolation. 

MFS claims a number of influences from indie pop to screamo emo folk, but it’s the Daniel Johnston one that seems the most prevalent in their music. ShaveYourEyebrows BiteMyNeck is full of lo-fi home recorded mumblecore folk tunes that are full of raw pathos.  Whereas Johnston wore his heart on his sleeve, MFS seems to be coming more from a place of loneliness, insecurity and paranoia (unsurprising given the circumstances of the recording). 

ShaveYourEyebrows BiteMyNeck is also drenched in effects and reverb, adding to the sense that it’s a dreamlike (or nightmarish) descent into someone’s deteriorating psyche. if that sounds a little intense for you, well, you probably aren’t wrong. However if you appreciate art that is vividly personal and deeply honest, you could certainly do worse. Magick Flavour Station puts it all out there, and does so in a compelling and visceral way. 

Check out and/or purchase ShaveYourEyebrows BiteMyNeck  here or below. Their next performance will be on 5/21 at Palmer’s Bar (more info here – the accompanying image for this Strib post is also kind of hilarious if you have actually ever seen the Palmers stage). 

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