Listen to the Powerful Improv Experimental Jazz of “We Sick” from Minneapolis Trio deVon Russell Gray/Nathan Hanson/Davu Seru (RELEASE SHOW TONIGHT!)

I listened to and enjoyed the music on We Sick, the new experimental improv jazz album by Minneapolis trio deVon Russell Gray/Nathan Hanson/Davu Seru, even before reading the origin story. While the music stands on its own, showcasing three talented musicians finding nirvana through improvisation, the back story only makes the album more compelling.

From the group, the album was:

“..recorded together on December 28, 2020 weeks after police murdered George Floyd and several months into the coronavirus pandemic and quarantine. Across the street from our sanctuary, the National Guard surrounded the Minnesota State Capitol. Their heavily armed presence provided a tangible reminder of the old dharma that house is field, white is Black and that–without question–we sick.” 

They continued that “..the music made that day reflects the feelings of isolation from community, hunger for justice, and the weariness of the wait. We offer it to you as a humble confession and renewed covenant.”

It’s an album with depth and emotion that resonates through the ebbs and flows of the six songs, showcasing the musicians grace and chops, blending together three visions into one complex organism, capturing fear, solidarity, love and anger all into one space. It’s a stunning reminder of the power of music and the capacity of community held guide us through dark moments. Listen to and buy the record below.

The group celebrate the album tonight at the Cedar Cultural Center in Minneapolis. Show starts at 8 and tickets are at the door for $22. Find tickets and more info HERE.

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