Check Out Tuareg Blues Band Etran De L’Aïr’s Outstanding 2022 LP Agadez and See Them Live TONIGHT at the Turf Club

We here at Reviler are part of the large community who has grown to love the seemingly endless talent that falls broadly under the “Tuareg Blues” umbrella. We’ve been smitten with Tinariwen, Mdou Moctor, Les Files de Illighadad, Bombino and more, both on record but especially when these bands have made the trek to Minneapolis/St. Paul to showcase their amazing live chops.
While you may wonder if there can be too much of a good thing, for fans of this style of music, the answer so far has been a resounding “no.” The latest group to pop on the American radar and excite music fans is Niger band Etran De L’Aïr, who are a family operation. They’ve been around for years, but I first heard them with last year’s outstanding Agadez LP, which is guitar focused without the histrionics that can come with the music. If guitar playing had a version of the “pocket” like drumming does, their music could be defined as the looping guitars starting firmly in the pocket. It’s funky, hypnotic and joyful. If you missed it last year, you can listen to the record below. And even more highly suggested: head down to the Turf Club tonight (Wed, July 5th) to catch the band live and in the flesh.
Tickets are only $20 and music is set to start at 8:30. Local group Douala Soul Collective will be opening the night to get the blood flowing so the crowd is ready to groove when the headliners hit the stage. Find tickets and more info HERE.

Writer / co-founder