The (Local) Fresh Five: Daniel Bonespur, What Tyrants, Kamilla Love, Daphne Jane, and Briefly Gorgeous

We haven’t checked in with local artist Daniel Bonespur (Dan Dukich) for a few years. Turns out he’s kept himself busy, including releasing a full length album Foot Notes in 2021. Dukich’s latest release is esxcellent single “What You Do,” a tune that starts and ends with a few melancholy piano chords and contains a medium tempo funky synth jam within that explodes into a Cole Pulice (Bon Iver, Godspeed You! Black Emperor, Iceblink) saxophone solo just as you think it’s starting to wind down. The lyrics are about the nuances of being in love, and Dukich is accompanied in vocals by Chelsie Newhard (Ready Freddie).
What Tyrants are a longstanding local power trio. Unfortunately their latest album (Lo-fi High 9/8) is also slated to be their last as a band. The new release will contain a collection of songs the band has delayed releasing over the past few years. In their own words the band states that the “sunny-side-up sarcasm found on their debut effort (No Luck) has been replaced by gloomy cynicism.” Check out the Stooges-esqe single “Cats and Dogs” now for a taste – it may be a bit bitter but it certainly doesn’t lack for intensity. Come say farewell to the band on 9/8 at Mortimers for their album release show (details).
This isn’t exactly new music (released a year ago) but I am just learning about local vocalist Kamilla Love (Istumbled across her collab with Dua Saleh from a while back). Love has an EP length release 3Am available from the previous year and it’s great. Check out the moody title track and follow her here.
Another not new but new to me track: local queer bedroom pop artist Daphne Jane’s “Months” from the previous year. Jane plays dreamy, confessional pop songs that are hard to resist. Check out EP Dreamland as well.
Local trio Briefly Gorgeous are fairly new to the world having released their first few singles this year. The latest single “Standby” will come out August 18th and will also be included on their upcoming EP (TBD). Being Gorgeous have a sound that hearkens back a couple of decades: high energy alternative rock with heart-on-the-sleeve lyricism. They will next perform at the 331 Club on August 12th (with Floodwater Angel and Loser Magnet (details).