Listen to Samples from Moon Drones, the New Drone Not Drones Curated Vinyl by American Cream Band and Caldwell/Tester (Release Show TONIGHT!)

Over the years the Minneapolis-based Drone Not Drones has expanded from a yearly concert to a place where new music is being released, and now they’re venturing into releasing their first ever vinyl. It’s two side that each feature long drones, with a musical/spiritual connection to the moon. I’ll grab the full expiration from the release, written by local artist Michael Gallope, to explain the content:
Side A, entitled “Initiation,” features American Cream Band, the multi-genre collaborative project of Twin Cities-based musician Nate Nelson. Over four years, Nelson followed a schedule in accordance with traditions stretching back to ancient Sumerian civilization that link each day of the week to the seven visible planets. On a series of Mondays (or “moon-days”) Nelson meditated, read about the moon’s mythologies, undertook a divination practice, and composed, recorded, and edited “Initiation.” Side B, entitled “Moon Bed,” is a collaboration between Indianapolis-based musicians Landon Caldwell and Mark Tester. Their composition is in a major mode and filled with light. It floats into angelic spaces.
Having listened to the DND released American Cream long drone titled “Venus” that was build around a frequency connected to that planet, I’m incredibly excited to hear their exploration of the moon cycle along with the Calwell/Tester take as well. As part of the Dronetober celebration, the music will be brought to life tonight (Sat, Oct. 12th) at the venerable Mirror Lab in south Minneapolis to celebrate the forthcoming release of the record. It’s an early show, with music starting at 6:30, so don’t be fashionably late. More info on the show HERE.

Writer / co-founder