Tape Tuesday: Günter Schlienz’s Sunny Electronic Spa Soundtrack Kurpark

In my experience local label Lighten Up Sounds creates music on the more dark and ominous side of the spectrum, but their latest release couldn’t be more sunny and joyous. The tape, Kurpark by German sound artist Günter Schlienz, is a soundtrack for/from a health spa park (side note: what is a health spa park and why don’t we have them here?) that is as sparkling and felicitous as anything I have heard all year.
I’ve always enjoyed records that bring out the radiance of an instrument that doesn’t inherently have such a feature, but Schlienz does that in spades. Kurpark features bubbling synths and calming filed recordings that give some real chill vibes, even listening to the tape in a chilly basement during a cold fall night in midwestern America, very far away from a relaxing summer spa day in Germany.
It’s a tape that seems to transcend time and place, bringing technicolor warmth and joy through your speakers over its 40 minutes. Stream and purchase this great release tape below and make sure you have your copy in hand to help warm up and escape the doldrums of our incoming winter. As the albums press kit says, attributed to the artist: “This is music to cleanse your inner lens.”

Writer / co-founder