Watch a Video From “If You Hear Me Crying” Off (*year end list spoiler alert*) Album of the Year Diamond Jubilee by Cindy Lee

I shouldn’t be so sure, as there are two months left in the year that could see some epic, life-changing album dropped into my lap, but I feel fairly certain that my year end list will be topped by Cindy Lee’s amazing Diamond Jubilee, which has somehow eclipsed even the silly hype surrounding it’s release earlier this year.

While some of the specifics around the album (like it not excising physically or on any streaming service beyond Youtube and a retro website) have made it excessively difficult to get this gem in front of more people, I was excited to see a real world music video for a track from the sprawling double album. Watch it above, and if you missed the record when it dropped, find it in all its glory on its geocities website HERE.

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