Six Slam Sick Day
Hi, everybody! Since I was home sick today from work I thought I would share some of the tunes that were keeping me company; besides my loving and attentive kitties, of course! All of...
Hi, everybody! Since I was home sick today from work I thought I would share some of the tunes that were keeping me company; besides my loving and attentive kitties, of course! All of...
I do not, nor will I ever, apologize for the titular pun above. My words; my space on the Internet; my rules. I enjoy language, Yirgacheffe coffee, and music–all kinds of music. Music...
Jesus Christ famously said, “Upon this rock, I will build my church.” When you’re dealing with the most excellent of aforementioned rock like Karate Break, then you are sure to have a healthy congregation. What...
If the old axiom is true, and an individual indeed never hears the bullet that kills them, then congratulations – you’re not dead. But by the end of the Blight’s latest cassette release, Meditations...
I will always snoop around the local scene for new sounds before venturing into any main, or tributary, streams. I prefer keeping things close to the chest where my heart may absorb them more...
Transitional Species is the long-running sound performance project of Minneapolis-based noise auteur Kevin Cosgrove. Friday, June 9th he will be celebrating the physical release of Rise of the Damn Dirty Apes (2017, hb004) featuring...
With the exception of Pope Francis II, I don’t know of anyone with more conviction than Dubuque, IA’s Bob Bucko, Jr. His dedication to art awes and inspires, and sometimes even intimidates. With a touring...
Sleep were last in Minneapolis February 7th, 1994 supporting pioneering rock cosmonauts Hawkwind. This Wednesday, April 19th, they’ll be headlining the same venue, First Avenue, twenty-three years later. What a time to be alive. Sleep...