Tagged: 4 takes
Grizzly Bear: Shields Review (Three Takes)
It can be difficult to gain a balanced perspective on an album after reading a single summary of the music. Bias can tilt a review, as can personal taste, history and just about everything...
Swans: The Seer Review (Three Takes)
It can be difficult to gain a balanced perspective on an album after reading a single summary of the music. Bias can tilt a review, as can personal taste, history and just about everything...
Wild Nothing: Nocturne Review (Double Take)
Read two takes on the new Wild Nothing LP and see them Saturday at the Triple Rock
Nas: Life is Good (Three Takes)
As with ever Nas album, the question on Life is Good comes down to…is he back? Read three takes on whether Nasir Jones is back to form or not on his new LP.
Chromatics: Kill for Love Review (Three Takes)
It can be difficult to gain a balanced perspective on an album after reading a single summary of the music. Bias can tilt a review, as can personal taste, history and just about everything...
Killer Mike: R.A.P Music Review (Four Takes)
Killer Mike released his fifth LP and our writers liked it…a lot. See how much in our latest Four takes
Jack White: Blunderbuss Review (Three Takes)
It can be difficult to gain a balanced perspective on an album after reading a single summary of the music. Bias can tilt a review, as can personal taste, history and just about everything...