Buffalo Moon “Chica de Luna” + 8 more songs
Download nine tracks from the October Utne Reader music sampler, including an exclusive song from Buffalo Moon’s new album.
Download nine tracks from the October Utne Reader music sampler, including an exclusive song from Buffalo Moon’s new album.
Check out Buffalo Moon performing the new single “Chica De Luna” for Mpls.tv
Grab a free download of the great 2011 compilation from local label Moon Glyph, featuring Food Pyramid, Velvet Davenport, Forma, Tender Meat, Magic Castles and much more
Catch Food Pyramid, Velvet Davenport, Buffalo Moon, Larry Wish and Camden Saturday night in honor of the great Moon Glyph Record Label
Photo coverage from our one year anniversary party, featuring sets by Mother of Fire, Buffalo Moon, Orchard Thief, and Camden
Check out some videos of Mother of Fire, Buffalo Moon, Orchard Thief and Camden from the Triple Rock Social Club on 2.9.2011
Watch 3 music videos from Sleeping in the Aviary and live videos from the bands show last night with Buffalo Moon and Phantom Tails