Tagged: Food Pyramid
Video: Beat Detectives “Creeper Banger”
Watch a video for the song “Creeper Danger” from Food Pyramid side project Beat Detectives
Photos: Heliotrope 9 (Day 2)
Photo coverage of day 2 of the 9th Annual Heliotrope Festival at the Lab Theater (5/25/12)
Heliotrope 9: Josh’s Recommended Picks
Thursday Take Acre In addition to being a co-founder of Heliotrope, Rich Barlow also finds time to throw down with his post-rock group Take Acre every year at the festival. The are adept...
Photos: Lower Dens At The Triple Rock
Photo Coverage of Lower Dens, Wiping Out Thousands, and Food Pyramid at the Triple Rock Social Club
Introducing: Catacombz
Pysched out jams from Catacombz, who join Skoal Kodiak and Food Pyramid tonight at the Nomad World Pub