Tagged: record
Justin Meyers: “Negative Space (1981–2014)”
A new “electroacoustic statement and narrative of recovery” from local experimental artist Justin Meyers
Review: Paul Fonfara – Seven Secrets of Snow / Show Saturday
Paul Fonfara (as well as a large cast of talented local musicians) has created a new record that uses midwestern winters as a theme to create evocative music
Review: Gwenno – “Y Dydd Olaf”
As of late there seems to be a great deal of interest in the Welsh language – or at least a great deal more interest than is the norm. The tiny minority language has...
International Novelty Gamelan: Album Release Tonight
International Novelty Gamelan will release their newest album this evening
Introducing: Chatham Rise
These guys have been around for a long time – so if you haven’t checked them out by now you have no excuse
Stream Orchard Thief’s “Guitar River”
Orchard Thief (Sam Molstad) has a terrific new album of tunes available to stream
White Boyfriend: “White Boyfriend” Review
Local trio White Boyfriend will release their excellent first full length this friday